I certainly believe that all of my friends should have the right, as Marc and I did, to marry their best friend. I certainly expect my straight friends to help us achieve that for all New Yorkers, for all Americans, and for the children that, at least, Marc and I hope to have someday.
Chelsea ClintonHe has always provided me a safe place to land and a hard place from which to launch.
Chelsea ClintonAs a mom, what I found so disturbing were the things that were being said on a national stage - I mean, literally on the stage and off the stage, around the convention about women, about minorities, about Muslims, about immigrants.
Chelsea ClintonI think that we need women role models everywhere. I think that it's really hard to imagine yourself as something that you don't see.
Chelsea ClintonMy parents always asked me what I thought, listened to my opinions, articulated their diagnoses of our challenges at home and abroad, and shared their ideas for how to build a more equal and prosperous country. I always felt part of their call to serve and part of my father's journey.
Chelsea Clinton