There is no knowing beyond that membrane, the meniscus of death. What can be seen from here is distorted, refracted. All we can know are those untrustworthy glimpses--that and rumour. The prattle. The dead gossip: it is the reverberation of that gossip against the surface tension of death that the better mediums hear. It is like listening to whispered secrets through a toilet door. It is a crude and muffled susurrus.
China MievillePEOPLE HAVE WANTED TO narrate since first we banged rocks together & wondered about fire. Thereโll be tellings as long as there are any of us here, until the stars disappear one by one like turned-out lights.
China MievilleFor every action, there's an infinity of outcomes. Countless trillions are possible, many milliards are likely, millions might be considered probable, several occur as possibilities to us as observers - and one comes true.
China Mieville