Talent acquisition, knowledge transfer, generational diversity, and retention will continue to be serious concerns. I think the golden thread is equipping management to work with Millennials. Let's face it. We are going to see organizations needing to replace 40% to 60% of their workforce. Management has never been more important!
Chip EspinozaKey relationships can become threatened when you start exploring your own path. This is true when it comes to relationships with parents, mentors, and bosses. It's not always true, but many times these important people in our lives feel threatened in some way by our independence from them. There is an inner conflict that comes with exploring your own voice.
Chip EspinozaAs a professor, millennials intrigued me. I see them as engagement ready - plug-n-play if you will. They want to contribute in the classroom, the workplace and to society.
Chip EspinozaThe people who care about us the most are the ones who are most likely to hold us back.
Chip EspinozaFriedman suggests self-differentiation is about knowing where you end and others begin.
Chip EspinozaIt is important to understand that stereotypes and generalizations have an impact in both positive and negative ways. Of course not every person born between 1980 and 2000 is exactly the same as millenials. There are differences within generations. That being said, generations have a personality just as individuals do.
Chip Espinoza