How can I forgive if you are not ready to give up that which caused you to stumble?
Chitra Banerjee DivakaruniI tried to hold on to this compassion, sensing its preciousness, but even as I reached to grasp it, it dissipated into wisps. No revelation can endure unless it is bolstered by a calm pure mind- and I'm afraid I didn't possess that.
Chitra Banerjee DivakaruniEveryone has a story. I don't believer anyone can go through life without encountering at least one amazing thing.
Chitra Banerjee DivakaruniI walk out of the room, lurching under the weight of the lesson I've learned less than one hour into wifehood: How quickly the sweetest love turns rancid when it isn't returned. When the one you love loves someone else.
Chitra Banerjee Divakarunithe darkness is a cresting wave. It sweeps me up out of my body until I float among the stars, those tine bright pores on the sky's skin. If only I could pass through them, I would end up on the other side, the right side, shadowless, perfectly illuminated, beyond the worries of this mundane world
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni