When there is no desire to satisfy yourself, there is no aggression or speed... Because there is no rush to achieve, you can afford to relax. Because you can afford to relax, you can afford to keep company with yourself, you can afford to make love with yourself, to be friends with yourself.
Chogyam TrungpaThe point is not to convert anyone to our view, but rather to help people wake to their own view, their own sanity.
Chogyam Trungpa...We leave our homeland, our property and our friends. We give up the familiar ground that supports our ego, admit the helplessness of ego to control its world and secure itself. We give up our clingings to superiority and self-preservation...It means giving up searching for a home, becoming a refugee, a lonely person who must depend on himself...Fundamentally, no one can help us. If we seek to relieve our loneliness, we will be distracted from the path. Instead, we must make a relationship with loneliness until it becomes aloneness.
Chogyam Trungpawe must continue to be open in the face of great opposition. No one is encouraging us to be open and still we must peel away the layers of the heart.
Chogyam TrungpaOur bodies demand our attention; our bodies demand that we actually pay attention to what is going on with our lives.
Chogyam Trungpa