I like taking things apart and putting them back together. Tinkering. I'd be a professional tinkerer. Tinkerbell. I think that's what they're called.
Chris CarmackSuccess has a lot of different plateaus. But I first felt really proud of myself when I was doing an off-Broadway production in New York City.
Chris CarmackI've been writing songs on little pieces of paper since I was a little kid, and it's just always been something I've done.
Chris CarmackIn terms of hardline right-wing people on television, there's some people that make me cringe when I change the channel.
Chris CarmackI think I was a pretty energetic kid. Well, I was energetic until about my mid-20s when I discovered alcohol. That's not entirely true, but you get older and the edge comes off.
Chris CarmackPeople really do identify with the characters they see on the show, but these days, social media allows you to interact with fans in a really interesting way. On my Twitter account, I'm Chris Carmack, not Will Lexington. I interact with fans and joke with them. I'll post pictures from my life. I think that helps drop the curtain of a character.
Chris Carmack