I've learned that the more people embrace their disadvantages, the less disadvantaged they become!
Chris ColferEvery time I get injured I measure it's severity by asking myself 'Would this stop me from going to Disneyland?'
Chris ColferI was very tiny...I spent most of my time stuffed into lockers. Thank god for cell phones, or I'd still be there.
Chris ColferSometimes we forget about our own advantages because we focus on what we don't have. Just because you have to work a little harder at something that seems easier to others doesn't mean you're without your own talents.
Chris ColferBeing a best-selling author just means the world for me. Some of my happiest memories, growing up, are being at book stores and reading books I couldn't afford, as a kid, and the midnight parties, waiting for the next Harry Potter book. The fact that I have that straw in my cap means more to me than anything I've ever accomplished before.
Chris Colfer