I was looking, a piece in the "L.A. Times" about a paper called "The Menace" back in 1915, that was railing against Catholics and it said all sorts of things about them. They are essentially a fifth column. They are crypto fascists, that they said if we were compelled to live in this term with Romanists, that`s their term of Catholics, the Romanists will have to be taught their place in. Was that bigotry or were they correct back then to look at Catholicism as fundamentally alien and threatening to the American way of life?
Chris HayesAs long as there have been people in California, there have been people obsessed with California`s water. Scientists say the state is at its driest point in half a millennium and as any Californians will tell you, it is not just their problem, it`s everyone`s problem.
Chris HayesIt's not uncommon for revolutions to stem from a radicalized group just outside the circle of power. That's what the French Revolution was all about; that's what the American Revolution was. The question is: Will all those groups, because of the nature of partisan polarization and ideological polarization, just fight each other? Or is there capacity to organize?
Chris HayesDonald Trump is not going anywhere. And we see as calculated as these are, he has a knack for telling a certain segment of a base what they want.
Chris Hayes