I was inspired by Maya Deren because she was the first woman filmmaker whose films I saw. I also loved Fellini and Goddard because they were so different from Hollywood films. But when I saw the cinema verite films that were made by Drew Associates with Leacock and Pennebaker I found my passion.
Chris HegedusIf you love your craft there will be passion. Most of my films are with people who are really passionate about what they are doing and know how to do something well.
Chris HegedusWhen I was growing up in the '50s, I had never heard of a "woman film director," so I did not consider it as an option. But I was fortunate that in the late-'60s and '70s, because of the feminist movement, women were stepping into all sorts of careers that had been closed to them in the past and film was one of them.
Chris HegedusCrowdsourcing is an invaluable resource for filmmakers, but be prepared for an enormous amount of work.
Chris Hegedus