I had the good fortune of living in Rome for seven years, from 1994 to 2001. So, I kind of saw firsthand the impact that Pope John Paul II had on people.
Chris MatthewsThe last person to be beatified by Pope John Paul II was Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 2003.
Chris Matthews[ John F.Kennedy's friend] Chuck Spalding at the wedding said Jack was two guys: the groom and somebody else observing from a distance. ... It must have been maddening to be married to a guy like that, but you could at the same time argue that characteristic kept the world from being blown up.
Chris MatthewsPublic opinion aside, it will be up to the future pope to continue John Paul II's journey to sainthood. Many of the late pope's followers believe he is already there.
Chris Matthews[John F.Kennedy] liked fresh company, new people to come visit and then leave. ... I think he liked the protection of numbers too.
Chris MatthewsI tried to talk to the graduates who haven't figured what they're going to do next. The kids who are heading in medical school or law school, they've got pretty much figured where they're headed in life. But there are so many kids out there, that are just going, they're still kids. They've always been promoted from grade to grade.
Chris Matthews