A couple of Donald Trump people, including his vice presidential running mate, Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana, and of course, Dr. Ben Carson, have both come out in the last days, hours, practically, and said they believe President [Barack] Obama is a legitimately elected president of the United States.
Chris MatthewsThe president of the United States, whoever it is, deserves a certain level of reverence and respect just because of the office he holds.
Chris MatthewsThe problem is there are people in this country - maybe 10%, I don't know what the number, maybe 20% on a bad day - who want this President to have an asterisk next to his name in the history books, that he really wasn't President....They can't stand the idea that he is President, and a piece of it is racism. Not that somebody in one racial group doesn't like somebody in another racial group. So what? It is the sense that the white race must rule. That's what racism is. And they can't stand the idea that a man who is not white is President.
Chris MatthewsI wonder... if the Republican Party really wants to be branded right now as the party of tax cuts and torture? I mean that's what they're selling.
Chris MatthewsWhat happens to conservatives when they get near the White House? How come they only seem to be talking the good talk at, say, the Senate level, when they don't have to run the show?
Chris Matthews