When the Holy Spirit comes to live within you, He will come with the ability to produce righteousness. Righteousness is the nature of God, which when imparted to the human spirit, produces the rightness of God in the human spirit. It gives man right standing with God; it gives him the ability to stand in the presence of God without a sense of guilt, inferiority or condemnation. It means rightness in God. The righteousness of God is wrought in you.
Chris OyakhilomeThere's an anointing the Spirit of God brings into your life; and that anointing gives you insight into the things of God. It opens the mind of God to you and unveils the riches of His glory to you. God said, "I will no longer hide my face from them," because of the outpouring of His Spirit, Hallelujah!
Chris OyakhilomeWhen you're anointed, you become blessed of God such that everything you touch or do prospers. To be "blessed" means to be empowered to prosper.
Chris OyakhilomeYou may flunk your exams in school and still make it in life, but if you flunk life's exams, you're sunk!
Chris Oyakhilome