God has not only made the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has actually given Him to us. It's up to us now to receive Him. But for you to receive from God, you will have to be ready to respond to Him by faith. Until you respond to God by faith, you do not receive from Him, because God is a faith-God.
Chris OyakhilomeWhen the Holy Spirit comes into your life, He will show you things to come; you will no longer be in the dark. You will no longer walk in confusion but live each day in the light. You will face the future with faith and confidence. He is the Spirit of reality, Hallelujah!
Chris OyakhilomeIt is important for Christians to spend time praying with or in the spirit-that is, praying in tongues. The Bible says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God"
Chris OyakhilomeWhen the Holy Spirit takes over your life, He'll drive every sickness out of your body; He'll make right everything that was wrong.
Chris OyakhilomeWhen you're anointed, you become blessed of God such that everything you touch or do prospers. To be "blessed" means to be empowered to prosper.
Chris OyakhilomeWhen we pray, we make tremendous power available, dynamic in its working, causing changes in our favour. Certain prayer sessions are specially designed by the Lord to help straighten out things in the spirit-realm regarding our immediate or later future as individuals, families or ministries.
Chris Oyakhilome