I like whatever's good. Metal, rock, new or old - I don't care, as long as it does something to my brain.
Chris ReifertI'm always interested in new things. I don't go seeking out every band I can hear because there are too many, especially now with the Internet. There's no way you can collect everything.
Chris ReifertWhen I was a kid, before there were VCRt, my parents had a movie projector, and we'd watch Frankenstein and Dracula. I just always though that stuff was cool - creepy comics and monsters and horrific stuff. Music lends itself to that whole theme.
Chris ReifertIf it entertains you, cool - read it, listen to it, watch it. But if it horrifies or disgusts you or scares you, then don't listen to it.
Chris ReifertPeople get so upset about lyrics, and they're probably totally cool with horror movies. That doesn't really make sense.
Chris ReifertI started getting seriously into music when I was a kid. 1978 was my big year. It just hit home. That was before real metal. There was Black Sabbath and that kind of stuff, but the real underground, hard stuff wasn't even around yet. It was cool to watch that happen and latch onto the next edge of things every time that progression happened.
Chris Reifert