Poison." he said, deadpan. "That's an unusual name to give your child. You must love her very much." She's a treasure." Bram agreed, blithely ignoing the sarcasm. .... Then went a few dozen feet in silence, until they were out of eaarshor of the gaurd. She's a treasure." Poison mimicked, and Bram burst out laughing.
Chris WoodingReal life is a story, too, only much more complicated. Itโs still got a beginning, a middle, and an end. Everyone follows the same rules, you know. . . Itโs just that there are more of them. Everyone has chapters and cliffhangers. Everyone has their journey to make. Some go far and wide and come back empty-handed; some donโt go anywhere and their journey makes them richest of all. Some tales have a moral and some donโt make any sense. Some will make you laugh, others make you cry. The world is a library, young Poison, and youโll never get to read the same book twice.
Chris WoodingI just wanted them to die," said Poison. "They didn't have to make such a drama about it.
Chris Wooding