The more you think of harmony, of health, of success, of happiness, of things that are desirable, of things that are beautiful, of things that have true worth, the more the mind will tend to build all those things in yourself, provided, of course, that all such thinking is subjective.
Christian D. LarsonWhenever you permit yourself to think what persons, things, conditions, or circumstances may suggest, you are not following what you want to think. You are not following your own desires but borrowed desires. Use your imagination in determining what you want to think or do.
Christian D. LarsonWhen your thinking is brilliant, you will be brilliant, but if your thinking is not brilliant you will not be brilliant, no matter how brilliant you may think you are.
Christian D. LarsonTrue achievement in any sphere of action depends upon real ability, and a strong, deep, whole-souled love.
Christian D. LarsonThe more grateful you are for everything good that comes into your life, the more closely you place your mind in contact with that power in life that can produce greater good.
Christian D. LarsonWhenever you appreciate a certain thing you become conscious of its real quality, and whenever you become conscious of the quality of anything, you begin to develop that quality in yourself. When we appreciate the worth of a person, we tend to impress the idea of that worth in our own minds, and thereby cause the same effect to be produced, in a measure, in ourselves.
Christian D. LarsonNever try to compel others to change; leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to; and they will want to when they find that your change was worthwhile. To inspire in others a desire to chance for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and becoming more noble yourself.
Christian D. Larson