Passage Vero-Dodat - I started my company on this passage. It feels as much home as it can!
Christian LouboutinShoes for men are about elegance or wealth, they are not playing with the inner character. That is why women are happy to wear painful shoes.
Christian LouboutinIf you are not bored by life, and your primary motto is enthusiasm and if you like your friends, family around you, it all translates into your designs. That's what keeps the creativity alive.
Christian LouboutinI hate the idea of natural. For example, I prefer gardens to wild nature. I like to see the human touch. High heels are a complete invention - an extravagance. They're far from natural, but it's the impracticality that I adore. I prefer the useless to the useful, the sophisticated to the natural.
Christian Louboutin