Out of politics comes more uproar than progress. It is indeed surprising how little, comparatively, this noisy department of human affairs contributes to the world's prosperity. Political commotions upon the grandest scale, political events of astounding suddenness, political characters of the greatest ability, abound, but still, permanent results are rare, and we look in vain for a measure of public good corresponding in extent to the hideous rout which ushers it in. Progress but turns upon its pillow, and goes to sleep again.
Christian Nestell BoveeThe legitimate aim of criticism is to direct attention to the excellent. The bad will dig its own grave, and the imperfect may safely be left to that final neglect from which no amount of present undeserved popularity can rescue it.
Christian Nestell BoveeThe passions are like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous only in one, through their excess.
Christian Nestell BoveeWe give our best affections to the beautiful, only our second best to the useful.
Christian Nestell BoveeFormerly when great fortunes were only made in war, war was a business; but now, when great fortunes are only made by business, business is war.
Christian Nestell Bovee