I have two sons, ages 23 and 25, and know that parents need to listen more and speak less. Young people today don't always know what's going on or how they fit in, and if someone walks up to them and says, 'Hey, kid: If you listen to me I'll give you power and a sense of purpose,' it can hold tremendous appeal.
Christian PiccioliniFor years now, I've been talking about the rise of the extreme right in the U.S. Since 9/11, white nationalists have killed more Americans on U.S. soil than any foreign or domestic terrorist group combined. It's something we don't categorize as terrorism or extremism. We often brush it off as mental illness - things like Oak Creek Wisconsin - and these people are certainly tied to white supremacy, have written manifestos. We've got a major problem in not calling that terrorism.
Christian PiccioliniWe need to make sure that our children know different kinds of people, eat different kinds of food, and learn our true history. The way most schools teach history is wrong. If they talk about slavery it's typically just for a couple of days and the lessons almost never address the systems that have hindered people of color for more than 250 years. This has to change.
Christian PiccioliniI have two sons, ages 23 and 25, and know that parents need to listen more and speak less. Young people today don't always know what's going on or how they fit in, and if someone walks up to them and says, 'Hey, kid: If you listen to me I'll give you power and a sense of purpose,' it can hold tremendous appeal.
Christian PiccioliniActually, I don't think most people join white supremacist groups because of the ideology or dogma. They gravitate to these groups because they've hit potholes in their lives and there are things they can't figure out how to navigate on their own. This might be bullying, parental abuse or neglect, mental or physical illness, or, for adults, unemployment.
Christian PiccioliniI'm not in contact really with people from Chicago Area Skinheads movement and couldn't say who they now support politically, but I can tell you through my research online in which I've been doing interventions with people who are part of hate groups, that I've discovered essentially thousands and thousands of pro-Trump neo-Nazi accounts.
Christian PiccioliniThere were a lot of people in our nationalist group who went on to become cops and firefighters and correctional officers. Unfortunately so. I haven't talked to them in 20 years, but just by keeping tabs on Facebook I know that there are some who've gone that way. And they've never indicated publicly that they've changed their opinions. It's a minority.
Christian Picciolini