It's good to raise awareness that men and boys are struggling, at least many of them are. But why say men are finished? It's too harsh, too sweeping, and it happens to not be true.
Christina Hoff SommersI think it's ill-advised to attribute pathologies to healthy people. It doesn't help normal, healthy, thriving children to be viewed as pitiable and fragile.
Christina Hoff SommersHarvard produces leaders. People with Harvard degrees go on to become administrators in high-level positions in state educational departments and in public schools around the country.
Christina Hoff SommersIt's no wonder there is a mad scramble for victim status on many campuses today. It confers authority and prestige.
Christina Hoff SommersGirls are more academically powerful. They make the grades, they run the student activities, they are the valedictorians.
Christina Hoff SommersYoung women at our elite colleges are among the safest, most privileged and most empowered of any group on the planet. Yet, from the moment they get to campus - and now, even earlier - an endless stream of propaganda tells them otherwise. They are offered safe spaces and healing circles to help them cope with the ravages of a phantom patriarchy.
Christina Hoff Sommers