If you want reach fans on-line definitely pay attention to things like hashtags and to what's trending at the moment. Try to connect to what's hot and to reach out to and to follow the right people. You never know who might re-tweet you and help you get some more followers.
Christina MilianEven in relationships, I don't get my hopes up or anything, especially not right now because I know I'm young and I've got plenty of time later in the future.
Christina MilianLove yourself for who you are. You are beautiful inside and out, and nobody can take that away from you.
Christina MilianBlind audition format is what make our show unique and gives it so much more integrity. After all, the show is called The Voice. It's about vocals, and you have to stand out to get the attention of these four, Grammy-winning superstars who have an amazing ear and know what they're talking about. They rely on their ear as well as the reaction of fans in the audience to figure out whether that contestant is worth pressing that red button for. It's a great concept which keeps everybody on the edge of their seat.
Christina Milian