We've got a lot of violence in the world right now, a lot of upheaval in America with this election coming up, and a lot of unrest will come up from that.
Christine McCormick DayThe actual initiations open up any dense areas in the physical body. The Pleiadian start to break up where the individual is holding on to a physical illness or a particular emotional experience. They always address the human being.
Christine McCormick DayWe're being asked to bring our humanness along in holding that love and compassion for ourselves as we make our way through this energetic time of transformation.
Christine McCormick DayWherever people are in their evolution, they start to come into that hope and feeling like they are okay, that they're going to be okay.
Christine McCormick DayWe always go back to that base, and that base is so important. It's like an energetic womb where you can begin. Energy is there and it's always there, and from there we receive the initiations that bring in peace, and a feeling of things leaving the body and then we start to feel peace, hope and understanding, which many people don't have right now.
Christine McCormick Day