There really is not any difference between any of us, because we're only talking about the difference of one moment in time between remembering. We can't judge what's right for each individual, because each person will get what they are ready for within the moment that are presented during that timeline process.
Christine McCormick DayWe're being asked to bring our humanness along in holding that love and compassion for ourselves as we make our way through this energetic time of transformation.
Christine McCormick DayThe new book is amazing. It's called, The Pleiadian Promise. I get emotional when I just connect to it, because it's really an amazing, powerful, powerful piece of work.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians are saying it is going to happen in a mass setting. Within probably the next year and a half, many people are just going to have an instant awakening, a remembering.
Christine McCormick DayI think the most important practice is to be authentic with our human selves.
Christine McCormick DayKnow that originally none of us are from Earth. We all have natural origins off the planet. We are having human experience, but one thing we're going to have to come to understand - and I know that's a lot for some people - is that our heritage is within the galactic origin. We are going to come into alignment with that by remembering our individual origins - and that's going to be a very important part of our enlightenment process.
Christine McCormick Day