Take all the Syrians, for example. They are where they need to be. They don't need saving. They are having their experiences and they're completing what they need to complete within this human element, in this complete illusion.
Christine McCormick DayIt's a very important process of self-recognition, self-introspection, by just daily accepting our creation, accepting what is right in front of us, breathing, letting go, and coming into the heart space and knowing that that fear or the struggle is part of the illusion. Just breathe that truth, because as you breathe, it filters through and you'll find that that tightness, that intensity, the fear, the worry, will dissolve. Just allow yourself not to get stuck in that.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians are opening an energetic timeline for the very first time in any seminar, allowing you to enter the timeline where all experience occurs, because everything exists in one moment.
Christine McCormick DayThis covenant energy holds and mirrors the pact that we have made of self-fulfillment for ourselves in this lifetime, and that covenant energy holds the full reflection of our promise within its framework.
Christine McCormick DayMother Mary and the Christ energy hold a new profile on the Earth plane right now, and they will be there in the seminar in their new profile for this new phase we're entering into. They will walk among us and be much more available to individuals at this time on the Earth plane. They will be accessible in a very different way to support us in this transition on a very intimate and individual basis.
Christine McCormick Day