We need to breathe, come back to our hearts, and connect into more of a stable place within ourselves, not allowing that drama to affect us, and through this process we transcend that drama experience.
Christine McCormick DayWe need to be willing to witness ourselves in all the shades of our humanness, and to come into the heart space daily and just hold ourselves with love and compassion.
Christine McCormick DayThe Pleiadians reminded me of what my role was here, to be on this planet and to act as an ambassador to the Pleiadians, to bring awareness to people of their existence and to channel through their knowledge and the understanding at this time so we can evolve as a human race.
Christine McCormick DayThe new book is amazing. It's called, The Pleiadian Promise. I get emotional when I just connect to it, because it's really an amazing, powerful, powerful piece of work.
Christine McCormick DayWhen the Pleiadians speak of letting go, they transmit a letting go energy through our energetic field. As a human being, we've been holding on for lifetimes, really holding on to the illusion strongly, holding on to the shame, the guilt, the sadness, all the things we've lived through, all the experiences we have allowed ourselves to create for ourselves in order to learn. We've held on to the pieces of us - the anger, the frustration and the pain.
Christine McCormick Day