People feel like they are in turmoil and confusion, but that space of understanding also exists, and the initiations lift that density off them so that they start to glimpse something more of themselves.
Christine McCormick DayThere is going to be an awakening energy, a remembering and understanding. A lot of very simple revelations will move through individuals during the seminar. It's a very gentle, but powerful and empowering, process suitable for everybody who comes to this process.
Christine McCormick DayWhat I like about the Pleiadians is that they work and meet each person where they are in their own evolution. Every initiation, every process, is designed for the individual to meet an aspect of where they are within themselves.
Christine McCormick DayThere really is not any difference between any of us, because we're only talking about the difference of one moment in time between remembering. We can't judge what's right for each individual, because each person will get what they are ready for within the moment that are presented during that timeline process.
Christine McCormick DayIt's been such a privilege and an honor to be writing this book [he Pleiadian Promise]. It's really changed my life, and it has absorbed my every waking moment for months. I'm going to be relieved to put that aside and just release it, because it's been a lot, not too much; it's been very glorious, but it has been a lot for me.
Christine McCormick Day