Men might be chastised for being promiscuous, but I think they're more likely to be given a pass, due to a "men will be men" attitude that still prevails in the Western world. They don't usually experience anything like the virulent shaming and verbal abuse that women who are sexually adventurous are sometimes prone to experiencing.
Christine SneedMostly what ends up inspiring me and affecting my work are books by authors that I love.
Christine SneedThe effects of fame on the not-famous people who are close to a celebrity - this is definitely a topic that continues to interest me.
Christine SneedI keep a couple of notebooks too into which I record ideas for story titles or characters or situations, and these notes help me quite a bit when I'm feeling at loose ends and not sure of what to work on next.
Christine SneedSo much of what determines our happiness, I believe, is who we choose as our intimates.
Christine SneedI don't know if make a conscious effort to vary the characters and subjects that I write about, but I do find myself keeping track of ideas that come along, as probably most writers do, and whatever seems most interesting to me when I flip through my notes before I begin a new story is usually what I will try to write about next.
Christine Sneed