Stood off and on during the night, determining not to come to anchor till morning, fearing to meet with shoals; continued our course in the morning; and as the island was found to be six or seven leagues distant, and the tide was against us, it was noon when we arrived there.
Christopher ColumbusTomorrow morning before we depart, I intend to land and see what can be found in the neighborhood.
Christopher ColumbusIt is true that after they have been reassured and have lost this fear, they are so artless and so free with all they possess, that no one would believe it without having seen it. Of anything they have, if you ask them for it, they never say no; rather they invite the person to share it, and show as much love as if they were giving their hearts.
Christopher ColumbusThus the eternal God, our Lord, gives victory to those who follow His way over apparent impossibilities.
Christopher Columbus