Saphira waved her tail, the tip whistling loudly. "I'm not asking you to. However, if we attack first, we may gain the advantage." "Have you gone crazy? They'll..." Eragon's voice trailed off as he thought about it. "They won't be able to do a thing." "Exactly," said Saphira. "We can inflict lots of damage from a safe height." "Let's drop rocks on them!
Christopher PaoliniOf the affairs of love ... my only advice is to be honest. That's your most powerful tool to unlock a heart or gain forgiveness.
Christopher PaoliniOnly men would think of cutting themselves to determine who the packleader is. Idiots.
Christopher PaoliniYou cannot learn what you are made of if you rely on anyone or anything else to help you.
Christopher PaoliniAll great fighting is the same, Eragon, even as all great warriors are the same. Past a certain point, it does not matter whether you wield a sword, a claw, a tooth or a tail. It is true, you must be capable with your weapon, but anyone with the time, and the inclination can acquire technical proficiency. To achieve greatness, though, that requires artistry. That requires imagination and thoughtfulness, and it is those qualities that the best warriors share, even if, on the surface, they appear completely different.
Christopher Paolini