Forgive me if I stare, I knew you were young, but even then I was expecting someone a little more, well, more.
Christopher PaoliniThat s the problem I ve been choosing male names. You are a she! [To Saphira, while trying to choose her name.]
Christopher PaoliniConsider non your superior, whatever their rank or station in life. Treat all fairly or they will seek revenge. Be careful with your money. Hold fast to your belief and others will listen." he continued at a slower pace, " of the affairs of love ... my only advice is to be honest. thats your most powerfull too to unlock a heart or gain forgiveness. that is all i have to say"Garrow to Roran p 64
Christopher PaoliniShe lowered her head until it was at his level. He stroked the line of her jaw, and then pressed his forehead against her hard snout and held her as tightly as he could, her scales sharp against his fingers. Hot tears began to slide down his cheeks. 'Why do you cry?' she asked. 'Because... I'm lucky enough to be bonded with you.' 'Little one.
Christopher Paolini