Honestly, in retrospect, I would wish for future generations to have the ability to have a coming out process that was less alcohol-soaked than mine was.
Christopher RiceI think we need to always mimic reality in our fiction. I think that we can stir things up and reveal a truth beneath the surface in that way as well.
Christopher RiceEveryday is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we've got 24 hours each.
Christopher RiceThe sort of public sex aspects of gay male sexuality did not appeal to me. And it wasn't just a matter of being afraid of them or being too nervous to try them. I did try them and they didn't work for me, they didn't feed me spiritually, they didn't leave me gratified.
Christopher RiceI am comfortable calling myself a writer of suspense, or a writer of thrillers; both terms are sort of interchangeable to me. I think that came from a sense of being at conflict with my true nature throughout my youth, and being afraid of discovery, and feeling as if I didn't belong.
Christopher Rice