After a few days in hospital, I was thinking, Oh, gee - I raised in a church, Protestant upbringing which I'd rejected as an adult - I'm lying in bed thinking, Hmmm, maybe I ought to pray. They always say there are no atheists in a foxhole... and I thought, Here I am in a pretty good-sized foxhole... and I thought Naahhh. I wouldn't respect any God who would listen to me after I'd rejected him so vociferously.
Chuck CloseI'm very interested in how we read things, especially the link between seeing two-dimensional and three-dimensional images, because of how I read.
Chuck CloseI think the problem with the arts in America is how unimportant it seems to be in our educational system.
Chuck CloseI have always attempted to create images that deliver the maximum amount of information about the subject.
Chuck CloseWhat difference does it make whether you're looking at a photograph or looking at a still life in front of you? You still have to look.
Chuck CloseIt always amazes me that just when I think there's nothing left to do in photography and that all permutations and possibilities have been exhausted, someone comes along and puts the medium to new use, and makes it his or her own, yanks it out of this kind of amateur status, and makes it as profound and as moving and as formally interesting as any other medium.
Chuck Close