I think it rather pathetic that so many people are looking forward to heaven to prove that their doctrinal position was correct.
Chuck SmithPrayer is the most important activity a born-again Christian can perform. It should head your list of priorities, for certainly the world around us desperately needs prayer. Prayer will open the door for God to do a glorious work in these last days. Prayer will stem the tide of evil.
Chuck SmithGod is more interested in what we are than in what we do. He looks for fruit; we try to produce works.
Chuck SmithGod will allow us to follow self-help, self-improvement programs until we have tried them all, until we finally come to the honest confession, ‘I can't do it. I can't be righteous in my own strength!’ It is then, when we admit our utter powerlessness, that we find hope. For it is then when the Lord intervenes to do a work that we could not do for ourselves.
Chuck Smith