The White House is dismissing these fiery town halls as the result of professional protesters. Well, that`s exactly how President [Barack] Obama team`s and Democrats dismissed the 2009 town halls and Tea Party protests.
Chuck ToddI've had my own anecdotals with old friends, here's a gentleman quoted in the Times about, "I believe my government is suppose to protect me but it has let me down. I resent having to defend myself; I shouldn't have to but at this point I don't feel like I have a choice."
Chuck ToddThis deep insecurity has been going on for a while. I mean I picked it up in 2014 sitting in focus groups of women who were feeling terrified, not just about that ISIS was coming, but terrified that their children couldn't be safe at school, terrified about what was happening in Ferguson and other places.
Chuck ToddAny terrorists that have come here and committee acts from 9/11 have come here in some form of a visa.
Chuck Todd