Any terrorists that have come here and committee acts from 9/11 have come here in some form of a visa.
Chuck ToddOne could argue [Bob] Corker has been more supportive of [Donald] Trump`s foreign policy skepticism of the establishment than anybody else.
Chuck ToddThe Emoluments section shares with the Constitution. That`s not a law that Congress could change or the president could ignore.
Chuck ToddA Democratic strategy firm is trying to help them out. They did a new poll from - it`s a global strategy group. And they did a poll of both base Democrats and swing voting Democrats, trying to determine how to best harness this energy [ of leftist anger]. And maybe more importantly, how to message it.
Chuck Todd[Donald] Trump`s pension for distractions is starting to frustrate members of his own party.
Chuck ToddSouth Carolina put George H.W. Bush into the White House. But George W. Bush into the White House and sent Jeb Bush back to Miami.
Chuck ToddNot only can [business conflicts] not be ignored, it needs to be dealt with really front and center before he can conduct [Donald's Trump] presidency.
Chuck ToddNo Republican has ever won South Carolina and Iowa or New Hampshire, as Trump has, without going on to win the nomination.
Chuck ToddThe more there is scandal and corruption in Washington, the better it is for McCain, so he`s at a high point right now.
Chuck ToddHillary Clinton`s popular vote lead is now up to 2.3 million votes, but get this, [Donald] Trump`s percentage of the popular vote has now dropped to 46.4 percent.
Chuck ToddWomen are still chronically underrepresented in U.S. politics at both a local and national level... But there is one city where those three top jobs will be filled by women for the next year. And that city is Washington D.C.
Chuck ToddThe Democratic lawmakers are still trying to figure out how to capitalize on this new wave of leftist anger, if you want to call it that.
Chuck ToddWhat`s going to happen, really on one issue specifically, to their health care, among some other things. And right now, Republicans don`t have any legislative details or much in the way of answers, yet.
Chuck ToddThe White House is dismissing these fiery town halls as the result of professional protesters. Well, that`s exactly how President [Barack] Obama team`s and Democrats dismissed the 2009 town halls and Tea Party protests.
Chuck ToddThere's no way you are going to get rid of the Second Amendment, there's no way you're going to get rid of the First Amendment, and people have to understand how important this is. But I think when they see more and more killings, we have to figure out, of course what we are going to do about it. And I don't think the criminal justice system has an answer.
Chuck ToddIf you`re in a safe Republican district, say Congressman [ Gus] Bilirakis,you probably don`t have much to worry about which is why you can get away with talking about death panels.
Chuck ToddIf we have to have a real movement on this issue if you support gun control, it has to come from the Republican side.
Chuck ToddDoes the terror threat we're facing grow out of a perversion of Islam, or does it represent and extreme, but durable, strain of the religion.
Chuck ToddThe rules have changed so dramatically.They are not the Jeb Bush rules of the 90s, they are the reality television rules of this decade and he was not suited for it.
Chuck ToddNewt Gingrich called it [Donald] Trump`s biggest mistake since he won the election, these crazy accusations about voter fraud.
Chuck ToddWith [Donald's] Trump holdings all over the world, it would be very difficult, if not impossible, for him to be able to conduct business without there being either favors given to his companies or the appearance of favors.
Chuck ToddThe president-elect [Donald Trump] himself in the interview with "The New York Times" says there is no law that governs conflict of interest in - with the president.
Chuck ToddIt`s hard to beat something with nothing. Republicans across the country are feeling the burn from an energized and angry segment of the electorate which is descending on GOP town halls and these folks want answers.
Chuck ToddRepublican Michigan Congressman Justin Amash said, no president is allowed to burn the first amendment.
Chuck ToddTherefore, the only way Donald Trump can protect himself is to set up a blind trust or to divest in these holdings. It`s the only way.
Chuck ToddIt seems to me that this debate, whether Islam is a religion of peace or not, really, it's irrelevant for outsiders. It's for Muslims to decide whether it's a religion of peace or not.
Chuck ToddWe know broadly from research is that religiosity does not correlate with sympathy for terrorism. It's actually quite the opposite. The more religious someone is, the more often they go to the mosque, the more likely they are to actually reject attacks on civilians.
Chuck Todd[Donald Trump] needs to take action today before he becomes president so he doesn`t violate the Constitution.
Chuck ToddI've had my own anecdotals with old friends, here's a gentleman quoted in the Times about, "I believe my government is suppose to protect me but it has let me down. I resent having to defend myself; I shouldn't have to but at this point I don't feel like I have a choice."
Chuck ToddTrump's inability to control his own emotions is standing between himself and the presidency.
Chuck ToddDemocrats will say the money they give to Planned Parenthood does not go to abortions. That the money they give to Planned Parenthood only goes to other women's health issues, including mammograms and things like that.
Chuck ToddSenator majority leader, Mitch McConnell, slammed [Donald] Trump`s comments about burning the American flag which is protected under the first amendment should lead to jail time.
Chuck Todd[Donald Trump] has got his own controversies to deal with. The business conflicts are a big one. But he`s creating new ones. There`s no precedent for it.
Chuck ToddI think the worst thing [Donald Trump]did was the tweet the other night about illegal votes.
Chuck Todd[Muhammad] Ali had [Jo] Frazier , that man had the joker, Coke had Pepsi and [Donald] Trump had [Barack] Obama, or 16 primary opponents or the entire political establishment.
Chuck Todd[Donald] Trump continues to dismiss those concerns though, even as some Republicans, like Lindsay Graham, are making the case that Trump`s business ties deserve the scrutiny.
Chuck ToddMore Americans, and I have my own anecdotes of people that have a friend that never would've had a gun, thought about, and now is thinking about it.
Chuck ToddI had some people say to me, you don`t - you wouldn`t give air time to a holocaust denier. Why bother covering if [Donald Trump] tweet is totally crazy?
Chuck ToddNewt Gingrich gave voice to something that was said throughout this campaign from Democrats and Republicans.
Chuck Todd