Suppose... the body is a God in its own right, a teacher, a mentor, a certified guide? Then what? .... Are we strong enough to refute the party line and listen deep, listen true to the body as a powerful and holy being?
Clarissa Pinkola EstesWhen you feel bad, find a person to talk to and cry with, to tell of your anger and other helpless feelings.
Clarissa Pinkola EstesForgiveness is an act of creation. You can choose from many ways to do it. You can forgive for now, forgive till then, forgive till the next time, forgive but give no more chances itโs a whole new game if there is another incident. You can give one more chance, give several more chances, give many chances, give chances only if. You can forgive part, all, or half of the offense. You can devise a blanket of forgiveness. You decide
Clarissa Pinkola EstesBone by bone, hair by hair, Wild Woman comes back. Through night dreams, through events half understood and half remembered.
Clarissa Pinkola Estes