[Sandy] Kress says [Betsy] DeVos's record on school choice in Michigan sealed the deal.
Claudio Sanchez[Betsy] DeVos's statement turned a well-known Trump slogan, and proclaimed, we will make American education great again. Proponents of school choice were ecstatic, including Sandy Kress, a top education adviser in George W. Bush's administration.
Claudio SanchezDonald Trump hates the Common Core, created by governors and state education commissioners, and initially adopted by 45 states. [Betsy] DeVos has actually supported the Common Core until now.
Claudio SanchezRandi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, calls [Betsy] DeVos the most ideological, anti-public education nominee since the creation of the U.S. Department of Education nearly 40 years ago.
Claudio SanchezIt's easy to have a relationship and show each other only the beautiful shiny things. Sharing good parts about you is elementary, so finding a partner in life can't be only about showcasing these agreeable characteristics, but also the less impressive ones. In a strange way, true intimacy lies in that dark side-in making peace with the fact that it lives inside you somewhere-so that you can share it with the person and they can be there to help you overcome it.
Claudio Sanchez