We must not cast away riches which can benefit our neighbor. Possessions were made to be possessed; goods are called goods because they do good, and they have been provided by God for the good of men: they are at hand and serve as the material, the instruments for a good use in the hand of him who knows how to use them.
Clement of AlexandriaWe must not cast away riches which can benefit our neighbor. Possessions were made to be possessed; goods are called goods because they do good, and they have been provided by God for the good of men: they are at hand and serve as the material, the instruments for a good use in the hand of him who knows how to use them.
Clement of AlexandriaThe purified righteous man has become a coin of the Lord, and has the impress of his King stamped upon him.
Clement of AlexandriaBut those who are ready to toil in the most excellent pursuits, will not desist from the search after truth, till they get the demonstration from the Scriptures themselves.
Clement of AlexandriaIt is not your outward appearance that you should beautify, but your soul, adorning it with good works.
Clement of Alexandria