Meteorologists have the right perspective. They ground themselves in the current conditions (today’s highs/lows). They briefly acknowledge significant events of the past (record temps). And they keep an eye on the future (five-day forecast). Honor your past accomplishments, live in the present moment, and look to the future.
Clifton AndersonThere is no one on Earth quite like you. No one can compare to you. Three questions: Do you realize how special you are? Do you believe how special you are? Do you demonstrate to the world how special you are? Don’t live your life trying to live someone else’s life. Be you!
Clifton AndersonIt is believed that the average person uses no more than 10% of his or her potential. Ten percent! We’re not even scratching the surface of what we’re capable of. We are all blessed with a continent of unexplored gifts and talents. Use them, or lose them!
Clifton AndersonNo matter what challenge you’re facing or situation you’re going through, always remember this. You are bigger, stronger, greater, more significant, more powerful, more resilient, and more important than any of your problems.
Clifton AndersonEvery great accomplishment starts with a first step. No matter how big your goals are. No matter how great your plans are. No matter how immense your dreams are. It all begins with a single step. Take that step today!
Clifton AndersonGo on a living spree. While you're here, why not live it up? Make your list, then go be, do, and have everything you want. Live life to the fullest. Live a life of no regrets. Strive toward your potential. NO restrictions apply. This offer is good for a limited time only. Don't miss this opportunity. Go on a living spree!
Clifton Anderson