There will be no redemption because the men who run this place do not want redemption. They want to be as near to hell as they can.
Colson WhiteheadI didn't have to do that much research to present a post-apocalyptic New York because I basically grew up in that New York. That old New York is gone, and that's one thing that's undiscoverable now but I explore in my fiction.
Colson WhiteheadI think each book has its own way of accommodating my concerns, whether it's about race, America, technology, the city.
Colson WhiteheadYou are a New Yorker when what was there before is more real and solid than what is here now.
Colson WhiteheadHipsters seek refuge in church, Our Lady of Perpetual Subculture. There is some discussion as to whether or not they are still cool but then they are calmed by the obscure location and the arrival of their kind. Keep the address to yourself, let the rabble fund it themselves. Wow, this crappy performance art is really making me feel no so terrible about my various emotional issues.
Colson Whitehead