I'm happy and content in my life, and I chalk that up to wonderful parents and a wonderful God.
Condoleezza RiceThis is the democratic process at work, What you're seeing with this process is the Iraqi people embracing American-style democracy.
Condoleezza RiceWe have important things to talk to the Russians about, despite their meddling in our elections. I hope they're talking about a way to eventually end this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria, end that war. The Russians have more leverage than we do. I hope they're talking about the fact that, if Kim Jong-un's long-range missiles can reach Alaska one day, they can also reach Vladivostok.
Condoleezza RiceI am proud of the decision of this Administration to overthrow Saddam Hussein. I am proud of the liberation of 25 million Iraqis. And I'm proud to see an Iraq that is now emerging with a stronger government, a truly multiethnic, multi-sectarian government that's about to have its second set of elections, that's inviting private investment into Iraq, and that is making peace with its Arab neighbors.
Condoleezza Rice