If the people are governed by laws and punishment is used to maintain order, they will try to avoid the punishment but have no sense of shame. If they are governed by virtue and rules of propriety are used to maintain order, they will have a sense of shame and will become good as well.
ConfuciusFor benefits return benefits; for injuries return justice without any admixture of revenge.
ConfuciusJust as lavishness leads easily to presumption, so does frugality to meanness. But meanness is a far less serious fault than presumption.
ConfuciusTo be fond of learning is to draw close to wisdom. To practice with vigor is to draw close to benevolence. To know the sense of shame is to draw close to courage. He who knows these three things knows how to cultivate his own character. Knowing how to cultivate his own character, he knows how to govern other men. Knowing how to govern other men, he knows how to govern the world, its states, and its families.