Well, acting was just in me and I tried to avoid it. I didn't want to do what my parents did, you know?
Corbin BernsenYeah, I think if I were to go again, I'd try to go more on gut feelings and stick with it. I was on to Frederique. I found clues for everything, I found tons of stuff.
Corbin BernsenI'm sort of an experimenter; I thought it'd be interesting to play around and see what's there.
Corbin BernsenYou know, you put a lot of ingredients in there and you hope something comes out that has an interesting taste to your palate. I think ultimately what...what God was guiding me to do was. (to) talk about our paths and the uniqueness of each of our paths and truth being the key to getting on your path, being true to what you really want in life.
Corbin BernsenWe all have our own paths. That's the important thing of this movie. God's waiting there for everybody. Be true to who you are and true to your values - not to media, not to the influence of friends necessarily or people even that you admire. Be true to your heart and you'll find that path.
Corbin Bernsen