We have to be militants for kindness, subversive for sweetness and radicals for tenderness.
Cornel WestThe humanity and the humility, which are very different than the biological species homo sapiens. Humanity versus homo sapiens - very different things. We are biological creatures, we are animals, no doubt, but when you talk about "humando," you're talking about that particular kind of animals who are aware of their impending extinction, who have the capacity to be sensitive to catastrophe and disaster and calamity and profound crisis.
Cornel WestI recall coming across a line by the late Charles Tilly when he said, "The conditions for the possibility of social movements have been called into question in the twenty-first century." And I said to myself, my god, a society in history without social movements, for me, is very difficult to live in.
Cornel WestYou don't begin by dehumanizing those who are dehumanizing you, because it contributes to the cycle of dehumanization in the world.
Cornel West