The only countervailing force against organized money at the top, is organized people at the bottom.
Cornel WestYou have to have a habitual vision of greatness ... you have to believe in fact that you will refuse to settle for mediocrity. You won't confuse your financial security with your personal integrity, you won't confuse your success with your greatness or your prosperity with your magnanimity ... believe in fact that living is connected to giving.
Cornel WestI believe philosophy must go to school with the poets; it's not either/or, it's not over or against.
Cornel WestPatriarchy is a disease and we are in perennial recovery and relapse. So you have to get up every morning and struggle against it.
Cornel WestThe love of wisdom is a way of life; that is to say, it's a set of practices that have to do with mustering the courage to think critically about ourselves, society, and the world; mustering the courage to empathize; the courage, I would say, to love; the courage to have compassion with others, especially the widow and the orphan, the fatherless and the motherless, poor and working peoples, gays and lesbians, and so forth - and the courage to hope.
Cornel West