No one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there.
Corra May Harrisif one's natural feelings are suppressed long enough one develops supernatural feelings and feels surer of having a soul.
Corra May HarrisThere is something in the quality of the French mind to which I have always felt a reluctant kinship. They are the only people I know who can leap into an enormous vocabulary of words and beat them up with the wings of their spirit into a fine hysterical eloquence.
Corra May HarrisNothing fans me into such a state of peaceful mental somnambulance as the intellectual antics of a person who displays his learning, not from vanity always, but frequently because it is all he has got; no real sense, no wisdom of his own, merely much good stuff he has learned from other sources. He spreads it like a garment as any other decent person would to hide the thinness of his shanks.
Corra May Harris