The deadly monotony of Christian country life where there are no beggars to feed, no drunkards to credit, which are among the moral duties of Christians in cities, leads as naturally to the outvent of what Methodists call "revivals" as did the backslidings of the people in those days.
Corra May HarrisNo one has yet had the courage to memorialize his wealth on his tombstone. A dollar mark would not look well there.
Corra May HarrisSo long as a man attends to his business the public does not count his drinks. When he fails they notice if he takes even a glass of root beer.
Corra May HarrisNothing fans me into such a state of peaceful mental somnambulance as the intellectual antics of a person who displays his learning, not from vanity always, but frequently because it is all he has got; no real sense, no wisdom of his own, merely much good stuff he has learned from other sources. He spreads it like a garment as any other decent person would to hide the thinness of his shanks.
Corra May Harris