Forgiveness to letting go of a bell rope. If you have ever seen a country church with a bell in the steeple, you will remember that to get the bell ringing you have to tug awhile. Once it has begun to ring, you merely maintain the momentum. As long as you keep pulling, the bell keeps ringing. Forgiveness is letting go of the rope. It is just that simple. But when you do so, the bell keeps ringing. Momentum is still at work. However, if you keep your hands off the rope, the bell will begin to slow and eventually stop.
Corrie Ten BoomThere are no 'if's' in God's world. And no places that are safer than other places. The center of His will is our only safety - let us pray that we may always know it!
Corrie Ten BoomAny concern too small to be turned into a prayer is too small to be made into a burden.
Corrie Ten Boomwhen we are powerless to do a thing, it is a great joy that we can come and step inside the ability of Jesus
Corrie Ten Boom