To be honest, one can only feel glad that so many modern iconoclasts consider Christianity to be full of exceptionally hypocritical, religious zealots - it's biblically accurate and a prophecy fulfilled. The old smoke screen is one of Satan's favorite tricks. He conceals the authentic. He has a persistent strategy of targeting those who remind him of Christianity because he fears those who remind him of Christ.
Criss JamiOf course, in our train of thought, we would all like to think we're on the right track, or at least the same railroad company as the right track.
Criss JamiBad luck with women is a determined man's road to success. For every affliction, he makes, out of indignation, yet another advancement in order to exceed the man that the woman chose over him. This goes to show that great men are made great because they once learned how to fight the feeling of rejection.
Criss JamiThere's nothing more contagious than the laughter of young children; it doesn't even have to matter what they're laughing about.
Criss Jami