I don't like to sit still for long at all, which has probably helped me along the way, and partly why I was drawn to the heat of a restaurant kitchen. The rush of service means that you're always on your toes and keeps a chef pretty active.
Curtis StoneI grow my own vegetables and herbs. I like being able to tell people that the lunch I'm serving started out as a seed in my yard.
Curtis StoneI thought I'd love to be a gardener because I grew up with a vegetable garden and I love being close to the Earth and growing things. At my home in L.A., I have a great garden and I grow all kinds of things. I even have a worm farm! The worms help create organic compost out of kitchen scraps.
Curtis StoneStay away from restaurants that have menus in five languages. Thats always a tourist trap. You want to eat where the locals eat.
Curtis Stone