Prometheus heretofore went up to Heaven, and stole fire from thence. Have not I as much Boldness as he?
Cyrano de BergeracAfter a while the press of business in the province put an end to our philosophizing, and I returned with increased determination to my plans to fly to the Moon.
Cyrano de BergeracThis veridic nose arrives everywhere a quarter of an hour before its master. Ten shoemakers, good round fat ones too, go and sit down to work under it out of the rain.
Cyrano de BergeracIn it he proves that all things are true and states how the truths of all contradictions may be reconciled physically, such as for example that white is black and black is white; that one can be and not be at the same time; that there can be hills without valleys; that nothingness is something and that everything, which is, is not. But take note that he proves all these unheard-of paradoxes without any fallacious or sophistical reasoning.
Cyrano de Bergerac